FULL NAME : Professor Mutea Rukwaru
ADDRESS : Box 1414 – 60200 Meru
WEBSITE : www.
TELEPHONE : +254 – 722787099
Marital status
Married to Stella Mpinda and we have three children and two great grand children.
Place of birth
Was born on 24th December 1957 at Kaaga village, North Imenti Constitution, Imenti North sub-county, Meru County.
Has a doctor of Philosophy (Honoris causa) in counselling from Florida, and has professorship from Los Angeles.
2009 – 2011 – MA sociology (counselling) University of Nairobi.
1980 – 1984 – B A (sociology) upper second class Honours, University of Nairobi.
1978 – 1979 – ‘A’ level in Meru School.
1974-1977 – “O” – Level in Meru School
1967- 1973 – Certificate of primary Education from Mwithumwiru primary school.
Trainings attended
2017– Attended learning oriented Monitoring and Evaluation at Kaguru ATC organized by Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project and Smart Edge Solutions LTD.
2014– Participatory Rural Appraisal at Kaguru ATC organized by Upper Tana Natural Resources Management Project and Capital Strategies (K) LTD.
2012– Strategic Leadership Development Programme Course number 53 at Kenya School of Government, Nairobi.
2010– Monitoring and Evaluation Course at Kenyatta University.
2006- Performance Appraisal System Organized by the Ministry of Gender Sports, Culture and Social services and held at Kasarani sports complex.
2004- PRA skills enhancement held at Roswam and organized by Central Kenya Dry areas project. A project of IFAD and Government of Kenya.
2004 – Fund Raising and Resource Mobilization organized by Community Based Nutrition programme funded by Danish Government through the Government of Kenya.
2003- Performance improvement for protocol personnel (that is those dealing with Presidential functions) was held at Agricultural Finance Corporation Training Institute, Langata and was organized by the Permanent Secretary, Provincial Administration and National Security, Office of the President.
2002- Men and HIV in Kenya organized by National Aids Council and SWAA- Kenya.
2002– Projects Planning and Management at Kenya School of Government Nairobi.
2001– Gender Sensitization and Training organized by the Government of Kenya and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
1993– Direct Trainers skills at Kenya School of Government, Nairobi.
1989 – Population Management Course at Kenya school of Government, Nairobi.
1988– Social Development Management Course at Kenya School of Government, Nairobi.
1986– Community Based Rehabilitation Organized by the Ministry of Culture and Social Services and the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Course was held at Kenya. Technical Teachers college Nairobi. This was a course for empowering disabled persons.
1986– Social Development Induction Course at Kenya School of Government, Nairobi.
2012– Attends Social Work Leadership Summit held at Kenya Institute of Education.
2009– I accompanied my Minister to Chilundu in Zambia on a COMESA mission to find out possibility of having a one stop border trade and focusing on gender challenges.
2007– Represented Kenya at World Family Conference at Brigham Young University in Utah, USA, where I presented a paper entitled “Social Protection, Kenya’s Forgotten Agenda”.
2007– Attended Seventh Pan African Conference for Social Workers in Kampala, Uganda. I attended in my capacity as the Vice chairman of Kenya National Association of Social Workers and also as a Representative of Association of School of Social Work in Africa, (ASSWA) in United Nation’s offices in Nairobi.
2007– I represented the Minister for culture and social services at a conference on” labour issues and Ageing” organized by African Union, Addis Ababa.
2006– I attended Black African Social Work conference held in Nairobi. The objective was to survey ways and means of networking between Black American social workers and Kenyan social workers. It was held at Lillian Towers, Nairobi.
2006– DEFS Symposium for Young carers. An International symposium for practitioners and policy specialists on addressing the needs of orphans and vulnerable children funded by CFBT in conjunction with the common wealth organization for social work (COSWO) and the Children’s Society.
2005– Attended the sixth Pan African conference of social workers in Nairobi. I was in the technical committee which was involved in organizing the conference and I was also in the Kenya Delegation. The conference was held at Kenyatta International Convention Centre in Kenya.
2004– Attended Beijing plus 5 conference in Kigali, Rwanda. I was in the Kenyan Delegation. The objective of conference was to assess the impact of Beijing Conference.
2003– Attended International Conference on Aids and Sexually Transmitted Disease in Africa (ICASA) and was held at Kenyatta International Convention Centre. I was in Kenyan delegation.
2002– Attended Second National Symposium on Music and was held at Egerton University.
2002– Attended a OAU Conference on Ageing and older persons held at Mbagathi in Kenya.
I retired from the Ministry of labour and Social Protection in December 2017 at the level of Senior Assistant Director of Gender and Social Development. I had served the public service for 33 years.
- Coordinating social protection.
- Coordinating programme of volunteerism, olders persons and persons with disabilities.
- Coordinating community development which includes interalia, registration of women groups, youth groups and community based organization (CBOs).
- Preparing communities for development partners interventions e.g. community training and mobilization, needs identification, sustainability and exit strategies. I played a key role in Upper Tana Resource Management Project (UTANRMP) in Meru County, Central Kenya Dry Area Project (CKDAP) which was in Central province and Community Based Nutrition Programme (CBNP) in Central Province which was dealing with Malnutrition intervention in Kirinyaga (In Mwea), Ndeiya in Kiambu and Kambiti in Maragwa.
- Empowering vulnerable groups.
- Conflict management in groups.
- Coordinate the graduation of groups to higher levels.
- Playing a human resource role aspect e.g. making recommendations for newly recruited officers to be confirmed in their appointments, that is translating their terms from probation to permanent and pensionable.
- Matters of discipline – referring cases of discipline to County Human Resource Advisory Committee for the National Government Public Officers.
- Exercising disciplinary control over the staff of social development in the county and previously provinces.
- Providing guidance in leadership through sevant leadership.
- Promoting values and principles to the staff as expounded in Article 10 and 232 of the 2010 constitution of Kenya.
- Efficient and effective economic use of resources, responsive prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of staff.
- Accountability, transparency and involvement of the people in the process of policy making by sub-county staff.
- Making sure the sub-county officers are conversant with chapter six of the Kenya on leadership and integrity.
- Succession management and inducting the newly recruited officers who had just joined the department of Social services, in departmental programmes and overalls government operation especially the Code of Regulations (COR), financial orders, Financial Management Act of 2012, Procurement Procedures and other treasury circulars.
2012 -2016 – Assistant Director of Gender and Social Development and was incharge of coordinating departmental programmes in Meru County.
2006 -2012 – Was a Provincial Director of Social Services Incharge of Department programmes in Nairobi province.
2000 – 2006 – Was a Provincial Director of Social Services incharge of central province.
1995 -2000 – Was a Provincial Director of Social Services incharge of North Eastern Province.
1988 -1995 – Worked as a lecturer in the Directorate of Personnel Management (DPM) in the office of the President and worked at Government Training Institute, Maseno and Kenya School of Government, Embu.
Responsibilities and Duties
- Taught student undertaking diploma in social work.
- Taught students undertaking diploma in probation
- Taught Basic Management Course for police officers in the ranks of corporal and sergeants where I taught them criminology.
- Training of Trainers for officers incharge of training in Kiganjo police college, Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Training School and General Service Unit Training (GSU) college.
- District focus for Rural Development for Departmental Heads. This was a precursor to Devolution.
- Taught leadership and management styles to Heads of Departments.
- Taught sociology to Kenya Community Health Nurses.
1984 – 1988 – Worked with the Ministry of Culture and Social services as Social Development Officer Grade Two and was based in Laikipia District at Nanyuki.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Was answerable to the District Social Development Officer.
- Was Incharge of administration, social welfare and sports coordination.
1982 –Worked briefly with Bible Society of Kenya on their Project of translating Kimeru Bible so that it is in tandem with modern times. I worked under Reverend Francis Mungania (God Rest his soul in eternal peace).
1980 – Worked with Teachers Service Commission (TSC) as an Untrained teacher .
Part – Time Lecturing
I have lectured at African Nazarene (Meru campus), Mount Kenya University (Nkubu campus) and Co-operative University of Kenya (Meru campus). I lectured the following units:
- Social Research Methods
- Sociology
- Behavioural science
- Organization behaviour
- Counselling psychology
- Culture and Development
- Gender and Development
- Community Development
- Social Marketing, Networking and Partnership
- Development Ethics
- Development Administration
- Leadership
- Supervising students in their project.
- I am the representative of the Association of School of Social work in Africa in the United Nations Offices in Nairobi.
- I am an accomplished author of 19 titles which are used globally.
- In 2016 I was recognized by google under the Biographic summaries of notable and famous people.
- In 2012 I won the Director’s Tropy at Kenya School of Government, Nairobi, during the strategic leadership training programme. Course No 53. The topic was “Are Leaders born or made?”
- In line with the results based management, the Government came up with an initiative called Rapid Result Initiative (RRI) to find out if given resources and with a high performing team results can be achieved within 100 days. I was the team leader of the Department of Social Services, Nairobi Province. Some self-help groups were financed and within 100 days the results were amazing. I was recognized by the Ministry for Building a peak performance team.
- I was nominated twice by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture and Social Services to represent the Ministry during interviews for recruiting fresh graduates by the Public Service Commission (PSC).
- During 2007/2008 Post-Election Violence. I was nominated by the Permanent secretary to represent the Ministry in a Committee which was called Humanitarian Service Committee which was a Committee of Permanent Secretaries and technical Officers and it was to handle Logistics and intervention during this Post-Election violence in Kenya. It was chaired by Head of Public service.
- As a representative of the Association of School of Social work in Africa (ASSWA) in United Nation’s office in Nairobi and as a counsellor, my professional advice has been sought on how to handle witnesses in international Criminal court (ICC) in Geneva in a humane way.
- I was involved several times in a small team in the Ministry which was involved in preparing the County’s Status Report of Women to be presented in United Nations meeting in New York.
- In 2010 I was in a small team organized by COMESA to look at the gender dimensions on cross-border trade. The focus was on Chilundu which was in the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia. I participated in making fruitful recommendations.
- I have participated in organizing presidential functions and I have been a Master of ceremony for presidential functions for eight years and have also been a master of ceremony during the inauguration of two governors of Meru County.
Leadership qualities
- My leadership qualities were recognized very early. I was a library prefect at Mwithimwiru primary school and also a library prefect at Meru School.
- Was chairman of Christian Union in Meru School.
- I acted as a Head of Social Development Department at Kenya School of Government Maseno and was answerable to the Director.
- I was the first person in the Ministry of Culture and Social Services to be appointed to be a Provincial Director of Social Services having never been a District Social Development Officer.
- I have been a National vice chairman of Kenya National Association of Social Workers.
- I am the United Nations representative of the Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa in Nairobi
- I have been a member of the Board Management of Meru Teachers college where I was the chairman of fundraising and Resource mobilization subcommittee.
Team Player
- I was recognized as a good team player leading to exemplary performance. For instance the Government of Kenya introduced performance contact in Government Ministries and in 2008 our Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture and Social services was the best overall Ministry in Public Service contracting for the year 2006/2007 and the Ministry recognized me as one of the people who contributed greatly to the sterling performance due to team work.
- The council of Governors had their annual devolution conference from 6th -9th March 2017 at Naivasha. Upper Tana National Resource Management Project was number three and was given the Devolution Warrior Award for its performances I coordinated the community component in Meru County. The project coordinator recognized my role as a team player.
Policy Development
I was involved in the development of the following:
- Youth policy
- Gender policy
- Older persons policy
- Volunteerism policy
- Cultural policy
- I was in the team in the office of the President which developed the scheme of service for chiefs and assistant chiefs.
- I was in the team which reviewed the training curriculum of police for Kiganjo police training college.
- Was a member of the County Human Resource Advisory Committee (CHRAC) in the County. It deals with the staff in the National Government and it is chaired by the County Commissioner,
- Member of the Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa (ASSWA).
- Member of the Association of Commonwealth Social Workers (COSWO).
- Have been a member of the Board of the Wings to fly organized by Equity bank.
- Member of the Kenya National Association for Social Workers.
- Have been a member of the Board of Management of Meru Teachers college.
- Reading
- Listening to cool music
- Leisure walk
- Gym
Referees – Available on request